road map: 01 bicycle lane Passo Resia - Ora
Quick overview
Distance | 123 km |
Altitude metres | 200 m |
Altitude metres | 1.300 m |
Duration | 5:00 h |
Condition |
Tour months
May, June, July, August, September, October, November
Course: Passo Resia (1.504 m) - Curon (1.490 m) - S. Valentino alla Muta (1.472 m) - Males(1.050 m) - Prato allo Stelvio (915 m) - Lasa (868 m) - Silandro (720 m) - Laces (639 m)- Naturno (554 m) - Merano (325 m) - Bozeno (262 m) - Ora (242 m)
For our new road bike map, here we have the route and GPS data of the marked routes. The road bike map is available at the tourist office, the individual accommodations and the Ötzi Bike Shop. The map is FREE!
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